Announcement: 2022 ASIPS Senior Graduate Student Award Application is Now Open
Dear Colleagues,
I like to take this moment to thank you for joining our "Aid-Didani" happy hour in March. It was so refreshing seeing our community celebrating Nowruz and having Dr. Najafi and Dr. Tabibi as our guest speakers.
To recap the ASIPS related discussions of the meeting.
The importance of having a membership fee is emphasized. Our special speaker, Dr. Ramin (Ron) Najafi, ASIPS sponsor and Emery Pharma CEO, told us about his career journey and our guest speaker, Dr. Tabibi, Project Officer at National Cancer Institute, talked about Nowruz and read a fantastic poem related to Nowruz for our community.
I also would like to share the exciting announcement that the Senior Graduate Student Awards applications are now open, and we are accepting applications. Special thanks to the generous support of Dr. Ron and Fariedeh Najafi.
Award Announcement
The 2022 ASIPS Annual Meeting will feature Academic Research Awards (ARAs) to top senior graduate students provided by our sponsors Dr. Ramin (Ron) Najafi from EmeryPharma ( and Fariedeh Najafi (
Graduate students are encouraged to submit an abstract for Academic Research Award (ARA) presentation.
· Interested candidates for the award are required to be Senior Ph.D. students in the pharmaceutical field or related fields, preferably from North America.
·A successful applicant must be willing to make a short 10-15 minutes presentation of his/her research at the ASIPS annual meeting on Sunday, October 16th, 2022 in Boston, Massachusetts.
· The candidates must submit their CV plus statement of their Ph.D. project and their possible related publications/abstracts, etc. no later than Friday, August 12th, 2022 to ASIPS executive director, Dr. Parviz Mojaverian at [email protected].
· The winner must be present at the meeting to receive the award in person. Please be considerate and schedule your travel accordingly. (we do not mail the award to those who are not present).
· Please Note: past award winners may not apply again.
After careful evaluation, we will announce the award winner's name in early September 2022. For more details about the ASIPS, please visit the website
I would appreciate if our members kindly distribute this announcement in their respective departments and among the graduate students who might be eligible for this award. Looking forward to welcoming you to our 2022 meeting!
Niloufar Salehi, Ph.D.
ASIPS Vice President